Leaders Eat Last | Simon Sinek
The Value of Empthy...THAT AUGUST NIGHT over Afganistan, Johnny Bravo risked his life so that others might survive. For all the technology he has at his disposal, empathy, Johnny Bravo says, is the single greatest assest he has to do his job.
Ask any of the remarkable men and women in uniform who risk themselves for the benefit of others why they do it and they will tell you the same thing: "Because they would have done it for me."
-Simon Sinek
The U.S. Marines have a rule: "Officers Eat Last." It's a fundamental philosophy of United States Marine Corps leadership that officers wait to eat until all Marines under them in rank have gotten their food. The rule creates a sense of unity, instills loyalty, and effectively means servant leadership.
This Marine Rule Is The Secret To Leadership
-Sebastian Junger