A Message From Commander Len Albright
Hello to all Legionnaires,
Our next monthly meeting will be this Thur. 5/13 at 6 pm upstairs in the Legion Hall. We will install our newly elected officers. We will introduce 2 special guests and have some updated VA information for you.
This will be the last month to purchase raffle tickets for the Savage .308 Winchester rifle with Leupold scope or $1,000.00 or $500.00 cash prize. The $10.00 tickets can be purchased at the Legion and the drawing will be Sat. 6/26 at the Dept. Convention.
If anyone is interested in attending the Convention to be held in Helena, Fri. 6/25---6/26, our officers will help and there is an application in this month's Dept. newsletter.
Memorial Day Parade and festivities is still on.
Thur. 5/27 at 9 am at the Vietnam Wall in Sunset Hills Cemetery we will place American flags on each of our 2,590 Veteran grave sights. Anyone wishing to assist us, the more hands the quicker it goes. We will retrieve them on Tues. 6/1 at 9 am at the Wall.
Mon. 5/31 at 6 am we will post our 89 flags on Main St. and retrieve them at 4 pm. Mon., starting at 7 am we will serve Breakfast upstairs at the Legion until 9 am, following at 9:30 am the Parade will start with our annual Memorial Day Services at the Wall in Sunset Hills Cemetery at 11 am.
Please contact us if you want to be part of the Color Guard or enter a group into the Parade (no cost).
Bingo is every Wed. 7 to 9 pm downstairs at the Legion and May 19th all proceeds will go to help fund the construction of our New Veterans Columbarium/Cemetery at Sunset Hills.
We made 100% membership goal and still working to our goal of 400. Great Job everybody and keep up the good work.
We lost an awesome icon Jim Osen (43 year member) who was a tremendous asset to all of our programs as well as the Community. Jim is missed big time.
We can use some more volunteers for our Honor Guard crew, so please contact us for details.
Hope to see you soon.
Len Albright, Commander
American Legion Post #14